One of the first things I often see or hear people do when they decide it's time to get healthy is to either seek out a gym to attend, or a gym and a trainer. Today I want to discuss both as I often hear the phrase "You're so expensive! I can't afford training even though I would love to." So I want to take a trip down comparison lane for a minute. For starters, when you hire a trainer at a big box gym such as Gold's, 24 Hour, or Lifetime you are often times getting a trainer who is new, fresh out of school and inexperienced. This is not a bad thing if you are just looking for someone to tell you what to do and converse with you. Often times a new trainer is inexperienced and they are easily distracted and don't pay attention to form or proper progression for YOUR body. I also caught a lot of trainers using the same routines for EVERY SINGLE CLIENT. Why is this bad? Your body is not like mine, and it is not like theirs, therefore it should be treated as an individual with a routine designed for your goals, needs, and current fitness level. You could be getting a routine that is too easy with not a lot of benefit or a routine that could hurt you. When it comes to membership, you want to find a place that you are comfortable with paying for monthly as NO gym (that I have personally seen) offers the membership included with your training if you purchase training. I personally believe in including this in each package a client purchases. If you are in a gym and a newbie, or even a seasoned gym-goer who's been out for a bit you may need that guidance for awhile. So what better way to get you started than with some guided training that INCLUDES your gym membership in the package. You are able to go and workout when you see fit outside of our sessions. This helps to keep you on track and you are saving yourself some money as your membership is included in the package price. Experience is so important, when I say this I am not strictly speaking about their career as a trainer. I am talking about their life experience as well. Finding someone who has been through a lot, injuries, life situations that interfere with staying on track, grieving, medical setbacks, etc. The reason for this is that trainer is going to be able to guide you, educate you and be more mindful of what your body needs. I have personally been through enough life experience for someone in their 50's or 60's even and I am only 31! Being able to relate to my clients and share my experiences has been such a treat and a pleasure to be able to help someone out of a dark place, help them through an eating disorder, guide them out of depression, or help them cope with body dysmorphia. Life experience matters when it comes to trainers, we are literally dealing with your body and life in the palm of our hands. We are here to get you healthy and fit. To help you create a lifestyle that fits your goals, needs, and daily practices. Something that isn't time consuming but gives you all the benefits you need to live the most optimal, functional life you can live. Education of your trainer, have they continued their education in their field or did they just pay to renew their certification? This is SO important, I cannot stress enough that if your trainer is not progressing then neither are you! I personally love to learn, this makes it easier for me to continue my education in training and nutrition, I currently hold about 10 certifications in several different areas. This includes off the wall type of certs that other trainers would not have thought to get such as Sports Surface Debate. This class allowed me to understand how the different surfaces interact with the soles of our shoes. How impact and cushion are important and finding the right shoe is highly beneficial. (If you're looking for the right training shoes btw, they are NOBULL's. Best on the market, absorb the shock before even reaching the knee when you land flat-footed, and they will last you longer than the typical six months). Being a specialty trainer will make someone more expensive, however you are going to get MUCH better care and attention with someone who is educated and experienced. So now that we have discussed a few factors to look for and why some trainers cost what they do, let's compare prices. **THESE ARE REAL PRICES TAKEN FROM THEIR SITES AND FROM WHEN I WORKED FOR SOME OF THESE COMPANIES** As you can see, the average cost is actually fairly high. This is terrible! training should be affordable as... well honestly, everyone needs a trainer for at least a month! Why? You can learn someone about how to workout for YOU, you can learn someone about yourself, and you will learn better self-care from (hopefully) someone who is on the right track and highly experienced. In these sessions, as stated before, you aren't getting much from it with an inexperienced trainer. So let's take a look at what you get with Senshi Training. At Senshi Training (located inside Big Tex Gym) takes pride in treating each client as an individual and as family. We support one another even if we don't participate in a session with another client in a small group setting. We take care to listen to what is stressing and making you regress to help in de-stressing to reach your personal goals. Every routine is specifically designed for your postural deviations and personal goals in mind. How many big box gym trainers can say this? Not many! We also believe that without daily physical activity that our bodies will begin to break down and eventually cause us pain and harm. With a gym membership included with your package it makes it easier to get to the gym without the extra cost. We also help with time management, nutrition, and fat loss over weight loss. We focus on holistic and healthy ways to create a lifestyle that keeps you going rather than shoving a routine on you and expecting you to do it without guidance.
So here are the facts, laid out before you. Next time you are shopping around for a gym or trainer, I hope this gives you some insight into what you should look for and how you should be judging that price. Do your research before spouting off with "You're too expensive!" This is your life, this is your body. If you were injured with a broken bone you would not tell a doctor they are too expensive to set and cast you, right? Why tell a health professional in the fitness industry the same? They are here to get you healthy, educate you and guide you down the right path for you. If that is not something you value, you should NOT be looking into a trainer at all. You would be wasting not only your time, but theirs. You also get their hopes up for a bigger paycheck and an opportunity to enhance someones life.
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