Many of us are continuing to workout at home since COVID hit us all square in the face. This is great! Staying active is a great step in preventing yourself from any kind of illness or disease. Some of us may be wanting to begin an at-home regimen however aren't sure where to begin. I just want to take a few moments and cover some basics, some do's and well not don'ts necessarily. More like some guidelines to keep you on track with your goals.
1. Make time. This is the toughest thing for everyone to do, nobody has the time, we have to make the time. While this is tough for us in the beginning, after staying consistent for at least 90 days it begins to become routine and habit. A good habit! A helpful habit that will keep you going day in and day out. 2. Healthy has no pause button. I know, I know, you're tired of me saying this. However, it's very true! Healthy doesn't care that we have children, a career and house to maintain. We have a modeling gig coming up or we are traveling for a year just to connect with ourselves. If you do not maintain the vessel, these things can become difficult to continue to do. This is not a scare tactic, but some plain hard truth. I love to hike, if I did not continue to lift and do cardio my body would start to deteriorate and the muscle becomes stiff and immovable. That hike just became a lot tougher, especially on the hips. So I stay healthy, limber, and strong so my body can handle whatever I throw it into! 3. You don't have to workout three hours a day to obtain your goals. There is a stigma behind bodybuilder aesthetics, while many of them will spend many hours in the gym studies are finding and have found now is that an intense short, 45-90 minute workout burns and builds more than a long drawn out 3 hour workout. If you're working out at home, start small and go for only 20 minutes. Work your way up to doing an hour of movements. 4. Not every workout needs to be "Go big or go home". A short quick workout is going to offer just as much benefit, if not more, as a longer and more intense workout session. Also, you don't have to lift heavy to go hard. Intensity is based on the pace in which you perform your movements. 5. Plan ahead. It is easier to conduct your workout and want to do the workout to begin with if you already have planned out what you are going to do. Find a good app, a program to follow, a trainer, or a YouTube video you have wanted to try. Whatever you do, plan it out and make it happen! 6. There will be days you don't want to move, do it. Not every day is going to feel amazing and like you want to be there, trust me I have had my fair share of downer-days. If you're already in front of it, just begin to move. Don't let yourself talk yourself out of a workout that could better your day. Happy bodies produce happy hormones. Happy people have more energy as well and focus better throughout the day. Don't skip the workout. 7. Days off aren't going to make you lose gains. This is a big no-no. We often times begin a regimen and sometimes we become obsessed with seeing results and want to go hard everyday. The body needs time to rest in order to recover. That recovery is going to fuel your next workout, your next recovery session, gain you more muscle and burn more fat than if you go 7 days a week/365 per year. So relax! Kick back and enjoy some yoga or just the stairs for the day. Nobody said you had to be a potato on the couch. Active rest days are a great way to let your body recover and still move. 8. Support is crucial! I am emphasizing this one because without the right support we fail. If you're family or roommate or partner doesn't agree with you working out in the house, find somewhere else to do it! Ask them to join you. Offer to teach them something new. Share the progress you've made. Share how it has changed ___________ in you. Without loving, compassion and encouragement from those around us, gaining a healthy routine can be tough or even non-existent. 9. Lastly, you don't need a full gym to begin! You just need a body and having a couple of mini bands, handled bands or even some free weights does not hurt in the strive for progress! There you have it! The do's and guidelines for starting your at-home program! Still need some inspiration for you next workout? Check out our programs on Trainerize! Follow along with videos, get progress updates and even access in-app coaching communication.
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February 2025