I don't think I can ever talk about this subject enough, social media detox. It is a burden really to our society and detrimental to our overall health. While I do in fact use social media, it has become nothing more than a tool for me in regards to business. This however does not exclude the fact that I do scroll and get stuck in a social media loop. That blue light beaming into my corneas like some mind controlling hypnosis. As I scroll I read and see nothing but pain from friends, family and followers. Rather than unfriending I simply unfollow. Being an empath and getting on social media I often times feel drained within minutes. If someone opens up there phone and starts scrolling I can feel the negativity seeping through the wave lengths into the air like driving by a cow farm in the middle of the country. We are so concerned with likes, hearts, laughing faces, being right, starting debates and pushing buttons all because we have the opportunity to hide behind this screen. Don't get me wrong, I am far from perfect and I have in fact done all of these things over the years.... until recently. Going back to my nomadic ways I have slowly been detaching myself from my phone and social media. Most days I hardly pick it up to check the time, generally I am changing music stations on my Spotify. But, when was the last time that you took a week away from your social media and went back to a hobby or started to focus on yourself? These things are important and instead we feed the virus and the machine that put it there DAILY. Forever collecting emotions, thoughts, desires, struggles, needs, and the festering narcissism that slowly grows and builds up inside of you the more you give in. Pictures of yourself, food, travels, family, children, jobs, belongings all filed away and categorized to be used against you later. I swear my phone knows my thoughts sometimes. Ever scroll through and see an advert for something you haven't even said out loud yet or even typed into your phone? You will now. There are so many things in this world that are so much better than subconsciously giving into the virus that will suck your soul.
DETOX 1. First and foremost, PUT THAT PHONE DOWN Y'ALL! But seriously, put it down and go outside without it. Look around you, and take in imagery around you. Or better yet pick up a hobby, bake a cake, or read a book. I haven't seen any of those things kill anyone yet, however words on social media are powerful enough to make our youth take their own lives when they haven't even gotten warmed up for the rest of it. Keeping your phone out of sight and out of mind will in fact force you to find other things to do. Whatever you do, do not give in to going back to your phone and endless newsfeed of negativity. 2. Sleep with your phone away from you, if you have to get up to get something and it's not THAT important odds are that you won't. Never mind the fact that when your alarm goes off you will be forced to get up and turn it off. Once your blood starts to move you will slowly come to life, much like a car in the winter. Cold when you start up and could break if you move too quickly, but once it's warmed up it can go and go and go. 3. Read, meditate, or do yoga before bed. Quiet the mind rather than fill it with hate, envy and negativity. You will sleep better and wake up feeling more refreshed without the thoughts of someone else's words ringing in your head. These are some great and simple ways to detox from social media. It's important to our own mental health and sanity to clear ourselves of the filth and negativity of others. Wether they are a family member, your best friend or spouse. Sometimes to help you need a clear mind and calm and relaxed body. So put down your phone and take hike or have a real conversation with your friend over a cup of coffee WITHOUT looking at your phone, even for the time.
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February 2025