The holidays are such an insane time of year.... or rather all year. It seems as though there is ALWAYS something to have a holiday over nowadays! However I would like to focus on the major ones that fall from September to January. This period of several months brings in much stress, thrown off schedules, over-eating and bad habits resurface, delayed self-care, and money spent we don't have/want to spend. Many of us struggle during this time of year. As we come a close on it I would like to encourage you to keep a few things in mind as you move into 2021.
1. Do not put yourself in debt for others and things. I find so often around, especially the Christmas season, individuals will drop their self-care routines to buy things for others they don't actually need or want. I often see others complain when they do get the thing they wanted, "Oh, it's great.... I just wanted the green one not the purple one and my size is wrong!" Okay..... take it back, don't be ungrateful. Why waste money on those who are not grateful for even the thought of wanting to purchase them a gift? 2. Spend your time wisely. This holiday season I had many clients share their stresses about the holidays with me and they ALL involved seeing family members they don't enjoy spending time with, being in situations with family members that stress them out, or being around anyone they just don't want to give time to. So why do we do it? We were programmed and trained to feel terrible if we aren't spending the holidays with our families and loved ones. This is so untrue. If someone makes you feel terrible and stresses you out, cut that toxicity out. 3. Family are the people you choose to keep around you, your relatives are just that. Blood relatives. As someone who comes from the most loving and accepting family I have ever met, this is so important. My parents taught me at a young age that your family is not just those who are blood relatives, they are the individuals we keep around as our main support system. These are the people we should be surrounding ourselves with through the holidays. 4. Self care should never waiver during the holidays! Over the holiday season so many worry about their weight and how they will manage their diets. If you continue your normal routines and incorporate your holidays appointments and shenanigans into your daily routine then you will be more present for them. You will be more energized and able to be in the moment. When we take a bird-walk away from our normal routines we become anxious, stressed and worrisome. If you are the person waiting on someone to finish their gym routine, meditation or other self care item and you tell them they do not need it..... they do not need you. This brings me to my next helpful point..... 5. Be understanding a patient. It's not YOUR life. You cannot control what others will do. It is their life, let them live it. If someone in your life would like to start their Christmas morning at 5am with a gym workout and THEN come over... odds are you aren't awake at 5am so let them do their thing! They are most likely letting you do yours. Be patient with people and their own routines. Be understanding that that is not your life you are only a part of theirs. And because THEY allowed you to be. Family or blood relative we should all feel grateful for those in our lives and respect THEIR daily routines and daily norms. 6. An extra plate is not the end of the world. So many individuals fret over having too much food or an extra slice of pie over the holiday season. Pro tip? Don't! Your body is a machine, it needs food as fuel. What you do with that fuel is what you should be concerned with. If I have another brownie, or a second plate because I still feel hungry I workout a little harder. Add just an extra ten minutes to my cardio. The food you ingested is nothing more than fuel. You should not feel bad about the occasional holiday indulgence. If you are on a fitness and wellness journey, do not beat yourself up or restrict yourself. This causes hormonal changes that create stress, water and fat retention, and secretion of cortisol and norepinephrine. All things we want to avoid for the holidays so we can enjoy it better. When next holiday season rolls around in 2021 I hope you follow these few and simple tips to help you through the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons. We never need to fret, stress, or burnout for another or even ourselves.
One of the first things I often see or hear people do when they decide it's time to get healthy is to either seek out a gym to attend, or a gym and a trainer. Today I want to discuss both as I often hear the phrase "You're so expensive! I can't afford training even though I would love to." So I want to take a trip down comparison lane for a minute. For starters, when you hire a trainer at a big box gym such as Gold's, 24 Hour, or Lifetime you are often times getting a trainer who is new, fresh out of school and inexperienced. This is not a bad thing if you are just looking for someone to tell you what to do and converse with you. Often times a new trainer is inexperienced and they are easily distracted and don't pay attention to form or proper progression for YOUR body. I also caught a lot of trainers using the same routines for EVERY SINGLE CLIENT. Why is this bad? Your body is not like mine, and it is not like theirs, therefore it should be treated as an individual with a routine designed for your goals, needs, and current fitness level. You could be getting a routine that is too easy with not a lot of benefit or a routine that could hurt you. When it comes to membership, you want to find a place that you are comfortable with paying for monthly as NO gym (that I have personally seen) offers the membership included with your training if you purchase training. I personally believe in including this in each package a client purchases. If you are in a gym and a newbie, or even a seasoned gym-goer who's been out for a bit you may need that guidance for awhile. So what better way to get you started than with some guided training that INCLUDES your gym membership in the package. You are able to go and workout when you see fit outside of our sessions. This helps to keep you on track and you are saving yourself some money as your membership is included in the package price. Experience is so important, when I say this I am not strictly speaking about their career as a trainer. I am talking about their life experience as well. Finding someone who has been through a lot, injuries, life situations that interfere with staying on track, grieving, medical setbacks, etc. The reason for this is that trainer is going to be able to guide you, educate you and be more mindful of what your body needs. I have personally been through enough life experience for someone in their 50's or 60's even and I am only 31! Being able to relate to my clients and share my experiences has been such a treat and a pleasure to be able to help someone out of a dark place, help them through an eating disorder, guide them out of depression, or help them cope with body dysmorphia. Life experience matters when it comes to trainers, we are literally dealing with your body and life in the palm of our hands. We are here to get you healthy and fit. To help you create a lifestyle that fits your goals, needs, and daily practices. Something that isn't time consuming but gives you all the benefits you need to live the most optimal, functional life you can live. Education of your trainer, have they continued their education in their field or did they just pay to renew their certification? This is SO important, I cannot stress enough that if your trainer is not progressing then neither are you! I personally love to learn, this makes it easier for me to continue my education in training and nutrition, I currently hold about 10 certifications in several different areas. This includes off the wall type of certs that other trainers would not have thought to get such as Sports Surface Debate. This class allowed me to understand how the different surfaces interact with the soles of our shoes. How impact and cushion are important and finding the right shoe is highly beneficial. (If you're looking for the right training shoes btw, they are NOBULL's. Best on the market, absorb the shock before even reaching the knee when you land flat-footed, and they will last you longer than the typical six months). Being a specialty trainer will make someone more expensive, however you are going to get MUCH better care and attention with someone who is educated and experienced. So now that we have discussed a few factors to look for and why some trainers cost what they do, let's compare prices. **THESE ARE REAL PRICES TAKEN FROM THEIR SITES AND FROM WHEN I WORKED FOR SOME OF THESE COMPANIES** As you can see, the average cost is actually fairly high. This is terrible! training should be affordable as... well honestly, everyone needs a trainer for at least a month! Why? You can learn someone about how to workout for YOU, you can learn someone about yourself, and you will learn better self-care from (hopefully) someone who is on the right track and highly experienced. In these sessions, as stated before, you aren't getting much from it with an inexperienced trainer. So let's take a look at what you get with Senshi Training. At Senshi Training (located inside Big Tex Gym) takes pride in treating each client as an individual and as family. We support one another even if we don't participate in a session with another client in a small group setting. We take care to listen to what is stressing and making you regress to help in de-stressing to reach your personal goals. Every routine is specifically designed for your postural deviations and personal goals in mind. How many big box gym trainers can say this? Not many! We also believe that without daily physical activity that our bodies will begin to break down and eventually cause us pain and harm. With a gym membership included with your package it makes it easier to get to the gym without the extra cost. We also help with time management, nutrition, and fat loss over weight loss. We focus on holistic and healthy ways to create a lifestyle that keeps you going rather than shoving a routine on you and expecting you to do it without guidance.
So here are the facts, laid out before you. Next time you are shopping around for a gym or trainer, I hope this gives you some insight into what you should look for and how you should be judging that price. Do your research before spouting off with "You're too expensive!" This is your life, this is your body. If you were injured with a broken bone you would not tell a doctor they are too expensive to set and cast you, right? Why tell a health professional in the fitness industry the same? They are here to get you healthy, educate you and guide you down the right path for you. If that is not something you value, you should NOT be looking into a trainer at all. You would be wasting not only your time, but theirs. You also get their hopes up for a bigger paycheck and an opportunity to enhance someones life. Hello wonderful Warriors of the World!
I hope that you all are doing great and staying safe during these trying times. Over the years I have gotten asked a lot of questions about myself and my lifestyle, so today I thought I would take a little time to sit down and answer some of the most frequently asked questions. Q: Where are you from? A: I generally answer this question sarcastically with a "Planet Earth", however I was born in Portland, OR and we stayed there until I was 8. I grew up in Meridian, ID. Q: What got you started in fitness? A: My family. Unfortunately they all deal with much worse conditions than I do. Battling everyday against Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Jaundice, Autism, Diabetes, Depression, Anxiety, MCAS (digestive disorder), and Spinal Degenerative Disease. Over the course of my life I have shown some signs and symptoms of all of these, however managed to avoid them progress due to the lifestyle I lead. My dads late best friend was also a really big influence into becoming a trainer and nutritionist, he passed away in his sleep two weeks before his 38th birthday. I am now seven years away from that age.... crazy. He had diabetes and gangrene, he got sick and was turned away by the hospital to pass away in his sleep the following morning. Taking care of my body and being able to pass that knowledge onto another person to hopefully enhance their life the way that fitness and nutrition has enhanced mine, became my main goal. And thus, trainer Kaie was born. Q:How tall are you? A: Roughly 5'11" Q:How many days a week do you workout and for how long? A: This answer has changed as I age, my needs change. When I was competing I worked out up to six hours a day. The unfortunate part of this is that it can lead to overtraining and injuries. Now, however, I only spend about an hour and a half at most in the gym, this includes a warm up, work, and cool down. It has actually shaped my body the way I have always envisioned for myself. I workout everyday in some form or another. It could be weight lifting one day and an active rest with nothing but yoga and core the next. Q:What is your squat, bench and deadlift? A:I honestly do not know. For me, lifting isn't about the lifting and going heavy all the time. Again, this can cause serious injuries over time. But right now, I am beginning again since I am recovered from a back injury two years ago. Q:What is holistic/holism? A:This is a great question, I get this a lot. There is a true definition which is: (medicine definition) characterized by the treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the symptoms of a disease. Now with that being said, I full hearted believe in this. My style of training revolves around Holism. We examine everything in your life down to what is stressing you out, how to fix it or control it, fat loss, proper nutrition, mind-body connection, the whole works. Everything that affects your life, we take into consideration when writing your personalized routines and meal plans. Q: What is functional training? A: Functional training is training that incorporates movements that make everyday life easier to move through. This can be anything from a burpee to a simple squat. The point of functional training is to create a mind-body connection, stabilize the joints, and enhance the neuromuscular system before introducing heavy weights, athletics, or other modalities into the routine. This ensures safety and proper muscle building with each and every client no matter their age, gender, level of fitness. Q: What diet do you follow? A: Blue zone eating, it is a plant based nutrition plan that can easily be modified to anyones needs. Q:So you are vegetarian/vegan? A: Absolutely not. Not that I disagree with either, they have a time and place for health reasons. However, for those same health reasons I use and follow the BZE plan because it allows me to be 75-85% plant based and still have animal protein. I do eat eggs, pork (minus ham), turkey and sushi. I do not eat any others simply because my system cannot digest them. It has nothing to do with morals, and everything to do with my own health. Q:Have you ever been injured? A:Yes. I have torn my right rotator cuff twice. Once when I was 13 I fell off of my bicycle and landed on my hand then my elbow and up when the ball into the socket tearing my cuff. The second time I was driving and rear-ended by a former friend. I have sprained both wrists from ice skating. I have bit through my tongue wrestling. And about two years ago I fell in my own living room to sit on my chair and nearly broke my back. About 8 months ago I pulled my abductor brevis complex, that's the inside of your thigh connecting to your groin. It's painful. I had six concussions in 2016 as well. Q:Why do you move so often? A: That answer is simple, I am not a tree. Even they can be moved. However, I haven't moved in many years. I usually stay somewhere for at most a year then I am off to discover a new temporary home to enjoy for awhile. Since I have planted myself here in Austin, TX this is where I have been with my business for 6 years and we plan to stay for at least another few. Moving isn't difficult, it's just tedious. I don't mind it. I don't own a lot, it gets easy to load up my car and go. I now have a boyfriend, dogs, we are moving into a house and starting our own home gym, so this makes it a little more difficult to do what I like, which is to just get up and go explore. I like to see new things. I have to learn to travel now instead of move around. Q: How many calories a day do you eat? A: Between 3000-3500. I know that's a lot for a woman, but it is what I eat in healthy, organic foods everyday. Q: Why don't you drink? A: I drink! I drink water, tea, smoothies, juice.... The list goes on. If you are referring to alcohol, I have had one too many bad experiences with it. Not only that I put myself in but that others put me in from being around me and drinking. My sister is a great example, while I love her because she is my sister we have not spoken in nearly three years. The last time we spoke she was very drunk, yet again, and pulling a suicide routine to get what she wanted. To me alcohol turns perfectly good people into trash. Yes, I said trash. My sister is a wonderful and intelligent person, you mix alcohol in there and she becomes destructive and narcissistic to those around her. On another note, I find it to be poison. And from a scientific standpoint it really is! It shuts down parts of the brain to cause blackouts, severed connection between the body and mind, the subconscious starts to do what it wants, and all inhibitions are thrown out the door. It is not a good thing for anyone. I like to remember the fun nights I have, not drown them out with sorrow and depression from fucked up hormones the next day. And finally, it's a depressant. So those who are turning to a few glasses of wine or beer after a long day of work should really be turning to the gym to help balance out those depressive feelings rather than enhance them. Q:You have an accent, where are you from? A:Currently I reside in Austin, Tx and I have been in Texas for 7 years.It is easy to pick up an accent when you stay somewhere a long time. If you are referring to the northwest mixed with Irish, that came from my great grandmother and family. While the Texas accent has definitely taken over, the Irish northwest still comes out now and then.I grew up in Portland and spent a lot of time with my great grandmother who was from Kilkenny, IR but grew up in New Jersey. She also had a mottled accent that was mixed. I don't think it really matters where it's form, it's just ... mine. Q: What do you do for fun? It seems like you only work and workout. A: I hike, I swim, read a lot of non-fictional books and articles, paint, draw, dance. I sing and play seven instruments. I learn other languages. I record videos and blog. I spend time with my beautiful little family. I cook and bake. I do SO much more than just fitness related things every day. It is my passion but it does not consume me. Q: How many squats do I need to do to get a booty like yours? A: I didn't just squat for this ass. I worked my WHOLE body for it. Targeting a particular group of muscles all the time doesn't always work, in fact most of the time it won't. you may see that growth, but good luck with your busted back later or knee because you didn't take time to work the whole body. These are the main questions I get asked the most. If you have any other questions, feel free to hit the contact tab and drop a line! ![]() Hello from your host, Miss Kaie and her trusty side-kick, Mr. Victor Z of the upcoming whole life and healthy living podcast: Beyond Whol(istic)! From fitness, to nutrition, world events, biochemistry and so much more. Miss Kaie and a new weekly guest, will be exploring the holistic side of life and the effects that reign over us on a daily basis. Discover how changing the food you eat can change your body, mood, mind, home life, work and many other aspects of your life. Have you ever wondered how meditation works? Or how the city you live in could be making you sick. Or even what allergies are. Find out more on the podcast! COMING THIS FALL. Recently our host, Miss Kaie, spent some time with our main sponsor, Top Trainer Supplements. We may have episode specific sponsors as the program develops, but for now, head on over to the Top Trainer webpage and enter code BEYOND at the checkout for some sweet savings. Join us this fall as we explore the world of holism and beyond! Find out how hormones affect not only your mood and body but life around. Learn healthy lifestyle changes that will help you loss fat, gain muscle and stay that way. We are so excited to announce that our first episode will be on the topic of Holism and Holistic Living. Living a holistic life is highly important to us and part of the human experience. Join us when we launch as we explore this topic, the benefits, ways to live holistically on an affordable budget and much more! For more information and updates on episodes and events, visit our Instagram here! Fitness Connection, this gym became like a second home for me. Quite literally, just last year. I signed up when they first opened here in North Austin. In the last year since they have been open they have gone through at least five new General Manager's just in the time since I had become a member.
THE GOOD Truthfully I haven't found anything good about this gym since day one. I signed up because the price was better, there was more space, I was under the impression I could freely use the studio and was allowed to for a very long time, they have a sauna that is separate for each gender, showers, classes, lots of equipment, etc. It's a normal gym. In the beginning the staff was attentive and courteous. However, this brings me to the bad.... THE BAD Recently I had to switch banks and, upon handing over my new card to a younger male at the front desk I watched him enter the information, confirm with me that this was the new card for charging my membership, then handed my card back to me. Now, this was at the beginning of the month, and until the 18th nobody said a word to me about my account being past due. So for the last few weeks I have been racking my brain and backtracking trying to find out why a bank account that I had shut down was somehow still active. I never thought the first thing I switched for the new card would be the issue. So after calling both the customer service line for my previous bank and getting no help nor even being able to put in a claim about it, and the corporate offices of Fitness Connection also telling me that they would not be doing anything - I am left still fighting a $300 charge caused by an employee over a $10 a month membership. And lastly, I have never dealt with such rude members in my life as I have at this gym. The self-entitlement of the members and staff permeates the air making it thicker than a bad protein shake. And so... BACK TO GOLD'S Back to Gold's Gym, the place that sparked my intrigue and passion for fitness. I not only loved working for this gym but being a member after I left was equally as pleasant. That went for any location I walked in to. The members here are also fluent in gym etiquette and are respectful enough to ask to jump in on a set of yours or to even see if you are done using a piece of equipment. The staff is always friendly and informative; if you miss a payment they call DAY ONE, and I have never had anyone wait over two weeks to mention something. Better yet I shouldn't have to mention something to my front desk. Any information I changed with them was always done quickly and efficiently. No mistakes, no laziness, no carelessness. THE OTHER GUYS While Gold's may be 4x as much as Fitness Connection, I have no issues paying for these reasons. I have tried other gyms as well including, Metroflex in Pflugerville, Anytime Fitness, LA Fitness, Lifetime Fitness, World Gym, and Equinox. For all of these, many wonderful qualities of the gym and business drew me to them but in the end I will stick with Gold's for this - they have been my least worry inducing, anxiety boosting, or troublesome establishment that I've ever had the pleasure of utilizing. CONCLUSION If you're shopping around for a gym, make sure that you really look into the staff that run the day to day operations. I have brought a lot of people with me to this gym based on a number of other factors outside of the price, the staff being one of them at one point, and now I regret ever switching from Gold's Gym. I am so happy to be returning to Golds next month. It it absurd to make the member pay for an employees mistake. Thus, I impart the following wisdom to you - be an aware, engaged, attentive, and conscientious shopper and consumer. ![]() I am nearing my 16th year in the customer service and food industry. I have been everything from the peon FNG all the way to "The Man." Now, there are so many things I have learned from being in every position over the years as a server, bartender, manager, trainer, fitness instructor, business owner, trainee, my list goes on and on. My experience is clear, but one thing I never realized before today was simply this - if you want a great worker, hire an artist. Yes. An artist. You're thinking painter, aren't you? You're largely limiting your scope; an artist is anyone who's creative. Musicians. Actors. Writers. Fashion designers. Photographers. Dancers. Teachers. Here is why we in fact make better workers, from my personal experience over the last decade and a half. 1. OUR BRAINS function and see things differently. For instance, playing the piano helps you compartmentalize because your left hand is doing something completely different than your right hand. You have to focus, think, read, analyze and sometimes even be vocal. That is a lot for the brain to handle all at once, but it can happen. It does happen, everyday. 2. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT because we repeat everything we do out of passion to perfect it. If we are put in the right position and given the right tools and tasks we can accomplish anything you ask us to. But don't micromanage us! NOBODY GETS WORK DONE BEING PRESSED UNDER A THUMB. Given the allotted time and trust we are more productive than someone put under pressure of a constant watchful eye. Let us do our thing and you won't be disappointed. 3. AN EYE for detail. I have had many managers and higher ups tell me over the years that I have a great eye for detail. I can see the small things that most would overlook. Often times being a meticulous artist has saved the paperwork and someone's job. One small error that may have been overlooked but caught by the eye of an artist. Small things matter most when you are drawing, painting, posing a model, picking the right notes for the song. They can make or break any deal. 4. STRESS often times is much easier for us to handle because of the way that our brains function. Compartmentalization comes slightly more natural to an artist but it is something we practice every time we touch the keys of a piano, pick up our paintbrush, or flex our foot forward ready to create and present our best. Since artists are often performers as well, we are used to pressure and deadlines. Time is different for us. It feels different and it flows different. Often times, for me, time is slower even though I move quickly. Art and meditation have taught me how to utilize time, something I have no control over in the end. 5. PRODUCTIVITY is often higher from artists and those that aren't micromanaged or forced to be taught only one specific way. We often times see other ways to do the same thing but more effectively and/or more efficiently. But when stifled and muffled before we are ever heard we can become frustrated and lethargic internally. Affecting the quality of our work. With these things in mind, it is important to remember that mixing personalities of artists and non-artists can create conflict. Artists are often times much more open minded individuals and accepting of others viewpoints. Communication barriers may form causing emotions and tensions to rise bringing into play the trickle down of vibenomics. In the end we should all be mindful of the unique ways one another thinks and approaches the same tasks that we do. I am in the last year of my twenties, and generally, this is a huge deal. A lot of women tend to freak out, quite frankly over nothing. Why there is some magically huge age difference between 29 and 30 is something that I don't think I'll ever discover the answer to. But during my twenties, here is what I have learned.
1. DON'T GET MARRIED IN YOUR TWENTIES. I am not ashamed to say this, I was married in my twenties. Twice actually. I know, don't do it. I don't care how long you have been with that person, you're still a kid in your twenties. You're still learning in your thirties even. Date instead, even if it's that one person for ten years. Time tells us how we develop and change as we age. Settling down with one person, just shouldn't happen in your twenties. You hardly know yourself! You've just come out of high school and you are learning the ways of the society and the world. Preparing for the real world, for real. Take the time to learn the things they don't teach you in school about being an adult. Being married is work, it's getting to know another person. And odds are you'll start a family. If you aren't ready, don't do it. Wait, you have time. 2. LIFE IS LONGER THAN YOU THINK. Check it out, if there are people who smoke and drink until they are over 100 years old, then you have time on this Earth, in your lifetime to do everything you want. Take your twenties to discover yourself. Build a relationship with yourself. Career? Who cares! First off who says you need to do ONE thing for the rest of your life? If you are happy doing what you are doing, you can survive on it, you can live on it and you are aiding in the progression of society or others, then why are you worried? Life is for learning, if you aren't learning you are getting old. You have time even if you have children. As mean as this may sound you are only lawfully accountable for that child until the day they turn 18 years old. Therefore, even if having a family is part of your life goals you still have life to live after those 18 years. You. Have. Time. 3. TAKE CARE OF YOUR MIND AND YOUR BODY. Again, as mean as it may sound, you CANNOT take care of another human being in any way, shape, or form if you do not know how to take care of yourself first and properly. Since everyBODY is different it is an important lesson to learn what our own bodies need as opposed to what our spouse or even child needs. Knowing yourself will help you to understand and know those close in your life. Not only will you understand better, but your own life will go smoother. Less stress, less medical bills, less drama, more happy, more success, more bliss. 4. NOT EVERYONE IS MEANT TO STAY IN YOUR LIFE. I have a best friend that has been in my life and I in hers for the last eleven years. First off, knowing anyone that long and growing up as teens together into nearly your thirties, you go through some shit with each other. But not everyone will withstand those rough moments. Not everyone that you meet or that enters your life is meant for you. Some people are on this Earth to simply watch it burn. Some people are lessons that are short, others are just passing like the wind. All in all this just means that not everyone you meet will stay, will like you, or will even want to be a part of your life. You may be friends with someone for a decade and then something happens and POOF! There they go. 5. GROWING OLD IS NOT THE SAME AS AGING. Growing old is something that you do when you give in, join the masses and succumb to societal standards. 30 is not old, just like 29 is not a totally ignorant child. You don't magically grow old over night, it is something that happens when we end up at a job we don't like. It will suck the energy and will to go and do the things outside of our means of living that keep us young and happy. If you are a musician then play, play as often as you can and as often as your heart desires. An artist? Draw. Hike. Play video games. Read a book you've never read before. Travel, even through your home state or country to start. Learn a new language. Learn something about the human body you've always wondered about. Keep your brain stimulated and you will age gracefully but never grow old. You can still be a responsible adult while being imaginative and playful for the rest of your life. 6. FAMILY IS NOT ALWAYS BLOOD RELATED. Family comes in many forms. Just because someone brought you into existence doesn't mean they are good for you either. Sometimes family are those we hold dear and near to us. Being related, makes you just that.... related. Again, not everyone in your life is meant for you. I want to say so desperately that I wish I could go back and tell myself these things with a mulligan. But I can't, and therefore I hope that someone coming out of high school or in their early twenties reads this and finds a little relief. Finds some peace of mind. Finds some good advice to relax and let life happen as it will. Day after day I see it happen - couples, at the gym. Couples at the gym training each other. Couples motivating each other. Couples dominating each other. Couples fighting with each other. Listen, before you get it in your head that this is a post bashing the couples, just read on please. It is neither bashing or condoning, but rather my observations over the years as a trainer, gym-goer, and coupled partner at one point myself.
WORKING OUT TOGETHER VS. "TOGETHER" Going to the gym together as a couple can be fun, exciting, adventurous, maybe even little naughty feeling. But before you go workout together consider a few of things.
So my point here is simply this, if you are going to the gym as a couple joined at the hip and determined to push each other that is great! However, be mindful, stay focused, remember that it is okay to let your partner focus on something other than you. You're in the gym, not the wild where you need to protect them. ![]() Last week I got to meet up with RayRay of Lonestar Dance here in Austin, TX to talk about dance, ballet, and the difficulties and challenges he has faced over the years to get to where he is now. Something that RayRay and I got to briefly discuss was the importance of the fact that ballet, and dance in general, are for the body and mind. So I wanted to take a somewhat deeper look into the subject being a dancer since childhood myself. To see my full duscussion with RayRay, click here. VITAL BENEFITS Yes, I understand that ballet may not sound like everyone's cup of tea. But let me tell you something, there are some things in this world that are in fact GOOD FOR EVERYONE. Activity and movement, are one of those things, and ballet is something that is vital in aiding everyday tasks and movements of the body. Here is how:
We gain so much from being mobile, strong immune system, happier days, better personal connections between people, better understanding of our own bodies. The list goes on, and on. You can sit here and read this, and then tell yourself that you could never because you can't dance. But here is the thing, any given dancer couldn't dance either - before they became dancers. WE ARE NOT BORN INTO THESE ABILITIES, THEY ARE GAINED THROUGH PRACTICE. Which means that if you want to dance, then do it. It is good for you, feel the music, feel the beats. The energy that flows through you when you dance is your body's way of saying "Hey wow! This feels good, let's move more!" Our bodies were designed for activity and movement, if they weren't we would not have such a strong and stable structure. Each and every one of us. If you have not tried some form of a dance class, whether you are male or female or any other configuration of being, I urge you to give it a shot for a good, consistent 3 months. The only true way to see the changes any physical activity will benefit you in is to be consistent with it for 90 days. Think of it like a review period in the "business" of your body, give yourself a solid business quarter to see if the change in resources, procedure, and protocols enacted yield a healthier and happier you. So, if you are local, check out Lonestar Dance and take a class. They have students ranging from young children to adults in their 60's. So don't be afraid to try something new! Additional, Helpful Link:
The Effects of Ballet/Dance on Walking. Photos: Top photo: RayRay, instructor at Lonestar Dance and acro-ballet dancer. raymond.white.96742 Lead photo: Miss Kay, Doc List. Gallery photos: Examples of how dance and ballet aides in sensory skills, daily happiness, stress relief, mobility and flexibility. Also how it can aide in battling illness such as scoliosis or other skeletal related issues. I get asked this question fairly frequently and I always have the same answer. While this one is clearly more detailed than if I were speaking to you in person, it is all the same, as equally important. When I became a PERSONAL TRAINER, I wanted to be just that. I went to the gym, I started at home, I Googled and watched videos. I did everything the same as you but the difference is I ended up wanting it more to the point where I earned a degree in it. I don't think this is necessary for everyone, in fact I feel the industry is becoming overly crowded with.... "trainers". But I do however think that EVERYONE should have a trainer for even a few sessions up to a full month of training. I am sure you're saying to yourself that you could never afford a trainer or they are a waste of money. In some cases you may be right on the latter.
I became a trainer nearly five years ago, since then I have been in and out of working in and for other gyms. I watched co-workers, colleagues, bosses, and even my own subordinates at times become incredibly inattentive to their client. This is includes being on their phones, taking videos and photos without client permission, and ignoring a client who says they feel pain or discomfort. Listen, if you're in it for the money, that's cool we all need it. But I am in it for a totally different reason, fitness saved my life and I want to help others change theirs. This for me includes going through the proper motions, learning to listen and communicate with your own body, understanding that this requires patience because without it you will suffer one way or another in the end, and lastly that this is a lifestyle not a destination. Fitness is part of being healthy, whether you like it or not. You don't have to lift weights to be fit by the way, you just have to eat according to your body's needs and your personal body goals. Notice I said "body goals" rather than "weight"? This is because the majority of us don't need to watch our weight, we need to watch our fat. By this I mean, how many pounds of you is fat? There is a way to find out, go talk to a trainer because a good one will know. Before you read on, please don't take me wrongly. This post is not to bash on anyone or even speak negatively of anyone. Every trainer has their own style and reasons for being a trainer. This post is simply to express a personal opinion of what you should look for if you are going to pay someone to PERSONALLY train you in a world full of "trainers".
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February 2025