In 2020 we were hit pretty hard with COVID and a quarantine to last nearly a year now. Here we are in 2021 and the country, especially Texas, is dealing with some crazy weather. If you are in Texas, then you know what's going on. If you aren't from Texas you may know how to handle what is going on. If you aren't from Texas and have never experienced a winter snow storm before, your anxiety may be through the roof at the moment.
I spent the majority of my childhood and late teen years growing up in Oregon and Idaho. Both places reach temperatures well below freezing and into the negatives. We had to learn how to live with the snow for up to six months of the year, the upside is that those states are set up to handle that temperature drop. Texas and its residence are not. Let me share with you how I learned to handle the anxiety and boredom that comes with freezing temperatures. **If you are unaware of how Texas works, its power system is not connected the way the rest of the country's system is. Texas is separate and decides to do everything differently than everyone else.They also had this exact situation happen in the 80's and weren't prepared then. They learned nothing from that experience, so let us now be the ones to take initiative on how to handle any situation that comes up like this again.** 1. My dad taught me to always be prepared no matter what. If the situation never happens, at least you had what you needed to survive it. My partner and I will grab a little extra food at the store, a little extra toiletries and supplies. We do not over-buy and stockpile. This is a way to prepare for any situation. This could have helped many who lost power to still have foods they could eat cold or even cook on their gas stove top for a short period of time to gain some sustenance. Over-buying and panicking only causes MORE issues for the rest of us. Things restock and most situations/circumstances are not forever, only temporary. 2. There is plenty to do that does not require technology or the internet! I grew up in a house where we were only allowed 1 hour of television, a movie or 1 hour of video games per day. The only time our computers were on was if we had school work to do. In the early '00s that wasn't even heard of yet. Here are some fun things we did even when the power was out.
I grew up in a very loving and supportive home, any time one of us had anxiety we were there to hold, help, and guide them through it. When this happens my mum would hug me, tell me everything was going to be okay, then ask me how I was feeling and what she could do to help. That last step is very crucial. If you don't ask the anxious party how they are and what you can do to help, you may worsen their anxiety as they came to you seeking help and solace. Any time my partner has an anxiety attack or emotional trigger, I hug him, we lie down on the bed and breathe together while he tells me what he is feeling or going through. Just that act of listening to someone or being heard can relieve much stress and anxiety from our nerves. This is not the answer some want, however, meditation is a fantastic way to calm the nerves, return hormones to their proper levels and over time you will be able to handle stressful and anxious situations much easier. It takes practice and patience for this to occur, be patient and kind to yourself through this process. Meditation also allows us to compartmentalize easier over time as well. Being able to dissect a situation while it is still happening and keeping your wits about you is highly beneficial and healthier on the body, mind, soul, and nervous system. When the power does come back on, don't overload by turning everything on and the heat up. It's always a good idea to keep the heater down around 68 anyways. Your body can become ill if you are going from extreme cold to hot too often. We keep our house around 68 and have extra blankets and clothing to keep us warmer if need be. My dad always said "You can always put more clothing on, you cannot always take it off. Well, you can, but some of your company may not like it!" Each time the power returns we:
When it comes to needing to leave anywhere, we simply stay put. Honestly your gym time can wait. Do an at-home HiiT bodyweight workout instead if you really must workout. It is better to hold off however, to conserve energy and food in these circumstances. A LISS day is also acceptable for keeping yourself moving, or even just simple stretching and foam rolling. Giving your body a break is not always a bad idea, your muscle will not atrophy overnight or even within a few days. Risking your life and others just to lift some weights, just don't! Plus, in 2021 it's pretty likely that your neighbors have some gym equipment or an actual garage gym. Make friends and have a lifting party! I remember the only time we ever went anywhere on days like this as a child was if we truly needed to go to the store or it was time for church. (Yes, I grew up going to church in a very religious state.) My dad emphasized how much more dangerous ice was than hydroplaning on rain water. Unfortunately Texas is not set up to handle snow, salting their roads, and for their citizens to be driving anywhere unimportant, like the gym. So next time Mother Nature makes a crazy call to your doorstep, I hope these tips and tricks can help you make it through!
Hello and good day my wonderful Warriors! Awhile back I made a video explaining the science behind our workouts and how to improve them or get the most out of them. I just wanted to go over this again as it is a very crucial aspect of fitness to understand. We want to always be progressing and moving forward. Without changes and switch ups this actually becomes incredible impossible. Yes, yes! I said the dirty word! Impossible. Without proper shock and adaptation to the muscle, without hitting all the angles of the muscle fiber we are missing activation. This leads us to less progress and less growth. Be it strength or size. So if you are looking into why you haven't been seeing any results lately, try switching up the style of which you are working out. |
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February 2025