Hello again Warriors! I am continually asked where I get my workout clothing and why. Since I recently bought outside of my normal brand I wanted to give a product review on a few items I bought versus the Savage Barbell brand I continually wear daily. My first purchase was from Ryderwear. I will say that their shoes are my favorite leg day shoe, their clothing for women... a total bust. Not only is the fabric incredibly sheer, which a lot of people are uncomfortable with, but the seriously high waist was annoying. I know you ladies LOVE that high waisted sh*t, but it really isn't flattering or good for the system. You lose some beautiful abdomen lines when we wear those high waisted shorts and leggings. The material was comfortable and moveable, this was nice. The "shadowing" on the shorts were very distracting and unflattering. My booty is not small enough to keep the shorts where they should have "enhanced" the look of how large my rear-end is. I don't need help with this. Girls who are in the beginning of their fitness journey looking for that full booty look are looking for leggings like this. Not fit girls. My sports bra was pretty large for a medium and long. Compared to my Savage bras this felt like a circus tent. My partner made a great observation that Ryderwear clothing makes even the most beautiful and fit of ladies look like a 12 year old, pre-pubescent child. My second purchase was from Feed Me Fight Me. I love donuts and found a wonderful red outfit that matched perfectly with my donut sprinkle shoes from No Bull. When the outfit arrived I was ecstatic! Upon putting on the outfit I was highly disappointed once again. As the material is not made for ladies who have put in that booty work. Immediately my tattoos began to show through on my shins! Then I turn around to reveal my pretty bare booty and thong through my pants. (The picture is a little dark, my partner confirmed being able to see completely through the leggings in our KITCHEN). The material was once again incredibly comfortable. I am sure I would have loved to workout in them, but there is simply no way I am squatting in sheer pants. The bra fit like a glove and I felt very secure. Being a full D cup it can be difficult to find bras that fit properly, offer enough support and hold all of me in. Now the brand I have gone with for the last few years is Savage Barbell. I love them so much they made me a sponsored affiliate. I have bought their clothing for the last three years. I have only ever had to replace one pair of leggings due to wearing them 13 hours a day, 5 days a week for nearly 2.5 years before that wear happened. They finally just worn thin in the material and needed to be replaced. The stitching was still fully intact, no holes anywhere. Just normal stretching over time and wear on the material. Savage offers great support in both their bras and their leggings/shorts. While I am still not a super fan of anything high waisted, their shorts and leggings roll over easily to allow me to keep my low waisted bottoms. Savage prices are much more reasonable as well. Pricing leggings at roughly $50 per pair versus $80 per pair from most other companies. Better quality for a better price. The verdict, I will more than likely try another brand someday, however Savage will always be my go to and highly recommend workout clothing brand. Ryderwear set: Top: Medium $25 on sale Bottoms: XS $18 on sale Feed Me Fight Me Red Donut Outfit: Top: Medium $20 on sale Leggings: XS $25 on sale Favorite Savage Outfit:
Top: Medium $45 Regular price Bottoms: XS $45 Regular price
You're scrolling through your IG, seeing all the girls in their bikinis that sparkle and holding the trophy high. You think "Wow! That's what I want to do! I'm going to do a competition and look amazing too!" Hold. The. Phone. It doesn't work that way, and it shouldn't work that way. Let's go through a few tips to mentally prepare you for the road you want to walk.
1. PREP IS NO EASY FEAT. Prepping for a show consumes a lot of time, you have to be ON all the time. What I mean by that is, you have to do the workout no matter how you feel that day. You have to eat the food, no matter how you feel that day or how badly you're craving that burger instead. You have to sleep and recover properly. It takes work. 2. YOU NEED TO LOVE YOURSELF FIRST. This is a HUGE one. If you want to step on stage because you think the way those ladies look will make you feel better about yourself, re-evaluate that thought. Bodybuilding is more than just a physical sport. It is going to make you really look at yourself and in more than a physical aspect. During my first two shows I constantly nit-picked things that weren't even there and I wasn't focused on what need to actually be done. I compared myself to everyone as often as I could instead of focusing on what I was building. I wasn't ready to see what I truly had to offer myself because I was seeking it in others. If your goal truly is to step on stage, you need to love yourself inside and out. That confidence, or lack-there-of will show through on that stage. It will show in your posing. It will show in your walk. It will show in your smile. And above all it will show in your work(body). 3. YOU NEED A GOOD SUPPORT SYSTEM. Listen, this is major as well. I did my first two shows damn near solo.... that is when you begin to really know what struggling is in this sport. If you have nobody to lean on when you don't feel like going anymore, you will quit or half-ass it. If you don't have a team to keep you accountable, you will slack. You will convince yourself that you are doing all the things you need to do, yet when show day comes and you step on stage and you aren't dialed in the way you should be... mental devastation. Instant bodily reaction in hormones, which will begin to show on stage. Having a second pair or eyes that knows what they are doing, they are experienced and well versed in the sport is also a good idea. I am a coach and I still have a coach for this, why? Because he sees what I don't, or maybe I am unwilling, to see myself. You also can't pose and see you all the time without filming, and even then... are you being honest with yourself? 4. IT'S OKAY TO HAVE FUN AND WANT TO WIN! My first two shows were to me, disastrous. I didn't place where I had visioned myself. But it was rightly deserved! Aside from not being dialed in on my nutrition and water in the leading weeks up to show day, I took everything way too seriously. I overtrained myself, working o nut around 6 hours a day. I ate roughly 1200 calories, even then that was far too little for me then. This is not a healthy way to approach prepping for a competition. 5. YOU NEED A COACH WHO HAS COMPETED BEFORE. Listen, I know it's "easier" to do things on your own. Humble ya damn self and get a coach. If you are in this to win this and not for the fun of it, then you NEED a coach. Don't just find any old coach or one who has done only one show. I may be on my third in 7 years, however I took my time between. I switched divisions and had to lose 30 pounds of muscle. I lost the love of my life four years ago and nearly broke my back 3.5 years ago. It's a journey. I never placed where I wanted in my first two shows for several reasons. 1. I did not have a coach. I was self coached. 2. I took advice from other competitors who were NOT CERTIFIED TRAINERS. Why does this make a difference? Anyone can find anything they want online, coaches and trainers have schooling to back them. While I personally do not believe this sport is for everyone it is a personal choice to begin the journey to the stage. Make sure that you choose the right coach who will give you the right tools to succeed. Not sure how to find the right coach? You can read our post on How to Choose the Right Coach for You. Since this is a highly important step, I definitely suggest starting here as the right coach will help you learn these simple mindset tricks. It's 2021 and a new year, that generally means new goals and resolutions to hit. However this year I noticed something different on the rise as of late, that is Holism. As a Holistic Lifestyle Trainer seeing this "trending" is actually of high concern! Many do not understand what holistic health or holistic lifestyle means. Let's explore!
Now there are two definitions for holistic (these are straight from google): 1. Philosophy: Characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole. 2. Medicine: Characterized by the treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the symptoms of the disease. With that being said, how does this relate to working with a holistic trainer? When you work with a holistic trainer such as myself we take into account every aspect of your life. What is stressing you out? How do you cope and de-stress? How is your sleep? How is your mental health? How is your nutrition and eating habits? How are your daily thoughts? Do you meditate? There are SO many more questions that come into play here I won't go over. When we are stressed, sick or lethargic we cannot just blame our job or lack of sleep. Often times the real issue is buried deep inside and has something to do with a subject stuck in the subconscious. This little thought that lingers could be leaving you stressed, sleeping terribly and leaving you unmotivated without even know why. Addressing this could fix your sleep, lower your stress and bring back some of that motivation you had before. Being holistic means that you are also being mindful and taking into account things that surround you as well as those around you. Being mindful allows you to keep yourself less stressed, we become more aware and also use less resources this way. This is part of holism. Holism should also be included in our plans to save the planet. By looking at the bigger picture we can see more of what needs to be done in order to create a positive outcome. If we are only looking at fragments are parts we are missing a lot of useful information. This is the same through your health, wellness and fitness. If you are only focusing on growing the glutes, the rest of your legs and body will suffer. They stay weak and can cause further injury from not being worked in the proper manner. Being holistic in fitness allows me to really hone in on client issues and deviations and to help me understand my client much better. This gives me more of an opportunity to give a routine that is much more personalized to the individual and their goals. Taking into account their home life, work life, hobbies, wants, desires, needs and stresses allows for a better lifestyle plan to be written out. This creates ease for the client. Over my nine years of being a trainer this has been the most effective style of training my clients. They reach goals with ease and feel better about their accomplishments. By focusing on the whole they also create a better chance at a better lifestyle and self-care routine that will last them long beyond the end of training with me. My goal as a trainer was not only to guide my clients to their goals but to also help them create a lifestyle that would have a positive impact on their daily lives and those around them. Positivity is contagious, that is the heart and soul of our business here. We take everything into account when treating a problem to come up with a positive solution that will stick. Here are a few ways you can live more holistically today! 1. Meditate. Yes, I said it! Not all meditation is sitting cross-legged and silent. Meditation is about connecting with yourself and working through the issues, problems, and irritations that pop into our lives and stick in our minds. It's about being in the moment and lowering stress. 2. Exercise. Yeah, I said that too. Exercise is incredibly important. Any time I had an injury or my low back was aching it was because I did not exercise the area enough or properly. This is highly important to keeping your body going. It carries you day and in and day out and houses muscle. It is meant to be moved, if it wasn't we would all be blobs rolling around all the time. 3. Journal. Never underestimate the power of a great journaling session. Now many guys are going to read this and scoff thinking " I don't need that "GIRLY" shit." This is not girly shit just as yoga and dance are not girly shit. Journaling can help you get thoughts out of your mind and onto paper where you can read them. Analyze them. Find solutions easier than keeping them bottled inside. Sometimes we just need to vent and that's what a great Brain Dump journaling session is for! 4. Practice more self love. Now this one is very tough as we do not teach it at a young age in this country (I'm not sure about others). Self love and good fitness are highly underrated here. When you love yourself it shows to others. They feel that good energy and they want to feel good too. Loving yourself allows you a more relaxed day. You move about with more confidence which can allow you to achieve more and be more productive throughout your day. We must learn patience with ourselves as well. This is part of self love. Now that you have a better understanding of what Holism is, I hope that you can take a few of these wonderful ways and incorporate them into your life today! It's the new year and many individuals are getting a start on their New Year's Resolutions. Looking through YouTube channel after channel, buying pre-made programs off of bodybuilding.com and even hiring trainers/coaches. I want to talk about how to pick the right coach or trainer for you. This is a very common question I receive often, is, "Kaie, how do I know I've chosen the right coach/trainer for me?" Let's explore that.
1. Research the coach you're interested in and grill them. Listen, if you want to work with someone then you need to quiz them. Research them. Ask them questions like, "How did you get started?" and "How can you help me better than another coach?" Asking questions also allows you to know the coach you're interested in. 2. You must vibe! Coaches and trainers do not sell training, they sell themselves. Think about it! If you've had a coach/trainer before then you know you purchased that service from them because you liked them. Not every coach is going to vibe with you. They could be giving textbook cues they learned in school that just aren't registering with you. The style of training could be what you're looking for, but the conversations and understanding are lacking. It is okay to let a coach/trainer know that you don't think you will be a good fit for one another. The coach you took that free session with or consultation with is going to respect and like you even more for just being honest. 3. Is their style right for you? Not all trainers are created equally. While we should all know the basics of training someone and lifting, fitness, and exercise, this does not mean we all carry the same knowledge in other areas. If a trainer/coach tells you that they know everything about a subject or everything about everything in the fitness world, run. Find another trainer to research and possibly work with. This is a huge red flag. You want to find someone who is knowledgeable in the area of fitness you are interested in. This could be lifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding, functional training, or even just guidance to understanding how the machines in the gym work to begin with. 4. Do they look the part? This is a pretty big one for myself. If I approach a coach that doesn't look like they are healthy and fit, I DO NOT WANT TO WORK WITH THEM. There is a very big difference between knowing something and being able to apply it. If a trainer cannot apply what they have learned in school to themselves, that shows me they cannot fully apply it to me. 5. A good coach/trainer will let you go. I said it! Yes, a good coach will let you go. They understand that some clients outgrow them, change interests, change goals, or even just feel educated enough and confident enough to continue on their own. This is my own goal with my clients, to educate you to the point that you no longer need me. A good coach also knows when it is time to let you go and informs you of this. I have let clients go in the past because we no longer vibed together, we passed our prime and they are no longer learning anything that is progressing them further from me. So it's important to find someone willing to let go. 6. Not all trainers want to hear your problems. In my training sessions I often talk to my clients about their day, emotions, and any situations that go on. I have formed myself into a type of coach that is also a mentor and counselor of sorts. Or as I like to call it, a friendselor. Not every coach/trainer wants to have these kind of discussions during your session. Often times they want to see you through the session and focus only on this. So if you are looking for someone who is willing to listen to you during your session, make sure you do that. Otherwise you are going to hate your sessions, they will be unenjoyable and you won't see progress. 7. Cookie cutters are for cookies not bodies. I worked the front desk of Gold's Gym for 5 years before finally being transferred to training. I sat back there and watched trainer after trainer hand out the SAME WORKOUT TO EVERY CLIENT! Now, this is no way to get your monies worth! Your body is not like my body. And my body is not their his body or her body. You see? Finding a coach who is knowledgeable enough to personalize a program for you is going to allow you more bang for you buck. 8.Coaches who give 8 week transformations. While I offer pre-made programs I do not push them or promote them often. I do this because I prefer to work with individuals one on one. I want to see what you're doing and how we can correct it if need be. The 8-week transformations are often just a marketing ploy to suck you in. Those people who do them are not fulfilled or happy. And if they are, often times it's very temporary as many do not continue to seek what will keep them going down the right path. An 8-week transformation program can be motivational, however it is not personalized. This is another reason I hesitate to give online training programs as well. If you have not worked with me in person, I won't be able to keep you safe. To know what your movement patterns are. I have several clients that began with me in person and have moved to online. They have the experience not only with myself as a trainer but also just being in the gym and comfortable in their movements and sessions. Without seeing in person, it is too difficult to program for deviations and corrections. Every program works if you follow it. When you finish it... that's the real test. Where are you going next? 9. A good couch preaches and teaches self-love. A great coach/trainer will teach and preach self-love all day long! Why? You will see better results if you become confident and learn to love yourself. It's not about trusting the process, it's about trusting that your trainer knows what they are doing for you and it's the right style for your goals. This is what you hired them for. You must trust they will help you achieve confidence and learn that self-love so that you may continue training in any regard happy. 10. A program is only as valuable as you think it is. This is a huge one for me. When someone asks me "How much is your training?" I already know I am not the right fit for them. Someone who is ready to make solid changes or reach a goal doesn't look at cost. They know that a great coach/trainer has the knowledge, experience, and drive to get you to your goals. They are worth the value that YOU place on them, not the cost of the plan. So now that you have a few tips on how to pick the coach who is going to better you, I hope you find the person who you need at this moment in time. If you'd like even more ways to spot a great coach for you, I suggest the wonderful podcast Level Up, Episode 27. These awesome ladies will give you some amazing insight and may even sway your mind a bit toward investing into a coach versus an online program. |
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February 2025